Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lego Creation Thursday -- Airplanes

Jumbo Jet

inside view


Food Cart

Thank you, Michele!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oops! I deleted my original comment because I had a typo. Here is my revised comment:

    These LEGO creations are fantastic! I love seeing what kids come up with using their imagination and LEGO! I'm visiting from Michele's LEGO Creation Thursday where I have linked up also. I would like to "personally" invite you to join the No Ordinary Blog Hop(NOBH) that I co-host with Lynda and Anna-Marie. We would love to have you link up this post and any other April posts at NOBH site. You can go to
    for more details or come by and visit me at "A Slice of Smith Life" and click on one of my NOBH buttons for details. You have a beautiful family! Nice to "meet" you!
    Tracy at

  3. What great airplanes!!! I love them! I also really like that food cart. That is too cute! Thanks for linking up, Cindy! I see you figured out the button! Thanks so much! Your kiddos are adorable!

  4. Airplanes are a big hit on our house too! (But we've never build a food cart --- very creative!)

    Great pictures!(I also have a horse loving daughter)

    I am now following you via GFC :-)

  5. My oldest was sitting here with me when we saw this...He just gasped," AWESOME!" (and now he is off to make creations with his legos) haha
